Computer Programming Workshop

The Little Stars Foundation (TLSF) offers free programming workshops during the summer. This introductory level workshop covers basic
Python programming language and Web design concepts, encouraging interest in computer science and STEM related fields. This 4-week-long
workshop will be held twice a week, and will be taught by youth members from TLSF. No previous programming
experience is required. Students must provide their own laptop.

Violin Workshop

The Little Stars Foundation (TLSF) offers a free violin workshop every summer for children ages 6 to 12 years old since 2009. This
introductory level workshop is aimed at introducing music and specifically violin to young children. The 4-week-long workshop is held
at the Canton Administration Building Meeting Room. No previous violin experience is required. The participants of this workshop will
have an opportunity to perform violin music with current TLSF members in the end of the workshop.

Media-Smart Youth Program

One-third of American children age 2-19 today are overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity in children has tripled in last 30
years and continues to impact the health of our children. The Little Stars Foundation (TLSF) addresses this issue, by introducing a
Media-Smart Youth program to local children. Using the curriculum developed by National Institutes of Health, our free 4-week-long
workshop helps children make choices that reinforce healthy behaviors, including being physically active and eating nutritious foods.
In the program, children analyze media messages, sample healthy snacks and get moving during fun action breaks. They also create
videos, websites, and other media products of their own to encourage their peers to eat healthy and get active too.

3D Printer Program

According to World Economic Forum, the United States ranked 52nd in the world in math and science education. In order to help the
children in our community to develop interest and skills in STEM subjects, TLSF offers a 3D printer program. During the workshop a
FlashForge 3D printer is used to demo how 3D printer works and how to turn your idea into real object through Computer-Aided Design.


For more information regarding the workshops, please contact:
Michael Lu, Youth Leader, TLSF
The Little Stars Foundation